Thursday, November 1, 2018

Praying and Waiting ..

Yes, I am still praying... Praying and waiting . . I have been doing some serious soul-searching . . where am I really in my prayer life. . . Bible study . . Bible reading . . general day-to-day everything . .? Is there anything that could be holding me back??!? Introspection can be good as long as it's not too harsh. I do need to read my Bible more. . that's for sure . .  . . . could that be gumming up progress? Could not spending at least an hour every day just sitting and reading my Bible for fun be throwing a wrench the size of Boston into the gears?
Honestly, I don't know. I think I'm good on the rest so that must be the issue. . gotta fix that . . gotta find a Bible at home that's easy to just sit and read . . set blank notebook and pen with it (to jot down things I want to study later!!📖😊📚📝). I have several versions of the Bible so I need to start with one (1) and keep at it till I find what I need . .
Ooooo!! 🙏📖🙌

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?