Saturday, November 3, 2018

Glad King David Wasn't Perfect!!

Roman's 3:23, 6:23
John 3:16-17
God used David, a man who lusted after and had an affair with another man's wife (Bathsheba) then had that man murdered so he could marry her himself!!
And God made him a king and a mighty leader!!!
   Aren't you glad God loves us in our imperfect mess?!! 💖
   Imagine if He required us to be perfect. . I, personally, would be laying in a ditch somewhere . . seriously. Before Jesus jumped in, sent my church to stand across the street from the dumpy apartments I was living in and preach to us, I was a lost hot mess going under further and further every day. My life was out of control and I could feel it but couldn't figure out how to stop it. It was really really scary bad.
But Jesus saw a future for me. He sent my church (not my church at the time as I was no longer going to church) to my corner (510 Eastern Ave, Toledo) to reach me. He cared enough about me . . saw my plight . . heard me crying out . . and He sent help!
He didn't stop and say, "Ooo, not her. . she's not good enough, holy enough, thin enough . . she has too much baggage, history, too many issues . ."  . No, Jesus called to me right in the middle of my personally designed disaster!
He saw where I was, BUT He also saw who I could be in Him and He moved on that potential.
I am so forever grateful to God for seeing the good/hope/love/potential in me and sending a rescue vessel.
Imagine this world if He didn't forgive us and rescue us?
Imagine if he'd not forgiven David?
Where would we all be now?!!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?