Saturday, October 27, 2018

📖 Rambling on . . 💖

Good morning, all . . I'm back to normal, sort of . . blessed to have the life I have and looking forward to where he is taking me . . trying to not overthink and take control from Him . . that can be a HUGE challenge for me as I seem to thrive on anything prepping . . seriously like to be always getting ready for something . . sitting and waiting on Him can be such a trial . . I am obviously a Martha struggling to learn to be a Mary!! 🙏 I know that God has shown me as much about my future as He thinks I can handle . . and He's shown me great grace and mercy in the ways He's forgiven me . . and I am grateful 🙏 and, as I ponder all He's shown me I've come to realize things can change . . broken hearts 💔, like  broken bones, will mend with time . . and, really, that time of realizing and mending has come and gone. . . so I sit in the here and now . . contemplating what He truly needs from me for the next 24 hours . . and waiting for Him to show me a future renewed . . for as things/plans have changed so must my future change . .  He will not make any of us follow Him. . . and if part of a future plan changes direction then He will simply reroute . . I am not at all worried but am wrapped in anticipation of all He has for me!!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?