Friday, October 26, 2018

Early Morning Prayer

You know how it is.. . God wakes you before 3am just so He can spend time alone with you . . that special time when He holds you close as you pray and gives you insight and answers you get at no other time . . and you sit there with the security of time alone together . . no worries how others see you .. in your jammies . . barefoot . . hair a serious hot mess . . and He still loves you in such a seriously intense way just as you are . . crazy flaws and all!! ❤ It's at this time that my prayer changes . . on it's own . . as a response to His love for me . . and sometimes the changes really surprise me in their beauty . . it is nothing I could create on my own . . I am not musically gifted by any means . . I even get complaints about my singing. . . . but my songs to Him in prayer are created by the love He and I have for each other . . love songs of prayer to my Heavenly Father . . 💙🎶💜

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?