Wednesday, August 23, 2017

My New Ship's Log Book

Hi and welcome back!! Do you keep a log book for boat? I've known since before I bought Elan in March that I needed to organize some sort of a means of keeping track of voyages and maintenance. We all know how crazy my life has been since March 12, 2017 (the miraculous day I bought Elan) and how many planned and surprising changes we've had since then. . . so not having this done until now may be understandable . . possibly. 😉 
Any-who. . I was sorting out some things in my locker and came upon this binder I bought years ago for some  project I no longer remember. This will be perfect for my ship's log for Elan!! 
I have a basic plan for this, my first ship's log. I did a bit of online research and have a general idea of what records I need to keep. We only make ''voyages' to the gas dock to pump out the black water tank for now so I'm doing more of a daily log. I plan to track weather data, wildlife seen, meals cooked,  and BVYC events attended.
 I'll post what all else I'm charting in a future post so stay tuned!!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?