Thursday, November 24, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving . .

     As we enjoy a paid day off I have to sit back and remember our Cherokee heritage. For many years after visiting a powwow in Point Place (if you can attend only one powwow this should be the one) I simply didn't want to celebrate a day commemorating land stolen from Native Americans.
   Then over time, although the truth of the holiday didn't change, I moved on. Yes, I still share this truth, and how it can, and is, easily repeated globally. My son knows the truth of what pilgrims gave thanks for. True, they were thankful for their safe passage across the ocean. BUT, they were also thankful for land they intended to take for their own. This acquisition of another's land I can't celebrate any more than I celebrate Indian Reservations!!
  And so, what does today entail for us? It is definitely a day to sleep in (apparently only an hour extra sleep for me although Matt is still snoring!!). It is a day to eat as every year I use this as a tool for teaching Matt one more cooking trick.
   It has also become a day to go hiking and exploring. This is a small tribute to our ancestors. Getting out into the woods all bundled up and spending time as a family away from TV and internet gives us a chance to connect with nature.
   Are we still thankful for all we have? Definitely, especially after being homeless earlier this month! Every day we are thankful. Thankful for those who sincerely care (not as many as we thought and our previous estimate was almost microscopic!!). Thankful for an apartment . . for full tummies ..  the ability to reach out to those in need . . for freedom to follow God . . and for the ability to move ahead, wherever God leads us!!! 
   And your family? What does Thanksgiving mean to you?

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?