Sunday, October 23, 2016

Waiting for a Miracle

     "The condition for a miracle is difficulty. The condition for a great miracle is impossibility."  From "Faith Like Potatoes" ~ I highly recommend it.

       As Matt and I prepare for all the coming changes and deal with everything up in the air, we are certainly in a time when all seems impossible. To the unsaved eye this would all seem like the end.
       And yet, as we pray and follow His lead, these changes are only the very beginning of better ways to serve Him!! How glorious is that?!!??
      Thinning out our stuff has meant taking a long hard look at where our priorities are vs where they should be. We are finding there is very little of what we have that we actually need/want/use/care about. Just stuff. Nothing more.
    More important than piles of stuff, we are still a family and striving to better serve God. Sometimes Matt and I drive each other nuts, but normally we're good friends.
   And so, our new adventure begins soon ..  well, actually it began when I saw our finances collapsing (and myself growing more and more exhausted) last winter and began to investigate ways to live on less money. It continues now and Matt and I both know He will lead us to a better place . . a place where there are many who need to see His love through us. . greater opportunities to serve the outcast of this society.

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?