Monday, September 12, 2016

Working (a.m.a.) and Enjoying a Breeze

A shady spot at Bicentennial Park is nice for catching up on paperwork. With my emergency appendectomy I am so behind on my paperwork, this is a great opportunity to catch a cool breeze (you know I love being outside) while clearing my desk. 
       Another advantage to working this way is that Matt is sitting beside me doing his math (catching up gaps missed in what he was taught). This morning, while I sat at the library and worked, Matt did research on ancient weapons in preparation to create a replica. He does better when we have more time together and, since my surgery, he ,keeps an eye on me "like an ole mother hen", as my Mom put it. We both seem to do a lot better when we're together most of the time.
     Such a beautiful day to be working outside!!!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?