Wednesday, August 24, 2016

"(Reuters) Quake brings down buildings in central Italy, at least 10 believed killed"

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       As I read through this article about a tragedy that hit a primarily unpopulated area yet still caused countless deaths and destroyed so many homes, I had to stop and think again about all the EQs we are way overdue for here in the USA. Living in Chicagoland, I am aware daily that the New Madrid fault line is long overdue for a major EQ and that the last major EQ was felt as far away as Boston, Massachusetts! That being said, it is a good time to thank God it hasn't hit here yet, and to begin getting better prepared.
          If a 9.0 EQ hit near you today would your home survive? What about your workplace? Your kid's school? Your parent's house?
       If an EQ broke dams and levy's north of you would the ensuing flood affect your family?
       Would you be prepared to help in this disaster?
        Would you be a victim?
      Would you be able to protect your family and possessions from looting and riots?
       How does your area handle power outages? Civil disagreements? Intense weather?
       A lot to think about.

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?