Thursday, July 7, 2016

"The Beginner’s Guide | The Wrapunzel Blog"

1611 KJV. 1 Corinthians 11
"[10]For this cause ought the woman to haue power on her head, because of the Angels."

       Hi! Welcome back! How are you on this lovely steamy day? Hope you're staying cool and hydrated!!
       How is your head covering journey coming along? Let me tell you, mine has been arduous at best. The overwhelming need to be obedient to Him coupled with not wanting to be anyone else's clone has left me at a loss.
       Last week I spent Monday, Wednesday and Thursday praying and fasting for His direction in my life and for clearer signs. I began to wear a head covering again on Wednesday after embarrassing myself by showing up in church Tuesday night without one. There I sat disobedient before God.
       Not good.
       Now, a week later, I am finally taking what I have known for quite some time to be my next logical step. I say my next logical step because I have thought and prayed on this and find it to be the answer I am always given. This may not be the case for you and I would never want to push this option on you.
But, for me, this is it!!
My hair will be covered as Biblically required and I will look cute (me required). I have created two (2) scarves I can use for now, but also have many in storage to add when I have time.
As I go along I will share photos of each attempt at a new wrap design (soooo many to learn!!) how well it worked for me and reactions I get.
Stay tuned . .
  And stay sweet . .
     My dear readers!!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?