Saturday, July 9, 2016

Fun with Wraps/Tichels!!

Hello there and welcome back to our humble homestead!!
This is a better attempt at a wrap for my hair. These two (2) photos are from yesterday morning before work. The wrap went up perfectly the first time! I've not managed to cover all my hair, but I'm almost there!

This photo was taken at my lunch break. Yes, the wrap has slipped a tiny bit, but not enough to make me throw in the towel.
Things I noticed compared to the bandana:
~ I felt better about my overall appearance (even with my poor skirt ripped). The Wrapunzle blog was right, I felt like a queen or a princess!!!
~ my head was cooler (even without me soaking my head under the cold water at the scrub sink!!)

Already I am planning what material I have that can be turned into scarves for wraps . . .
So fun to be a princess!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?