Thursday, July 14, 2016

Day 195/355

As we breathe thinking that cute little rain we had earlier was it . . .
   More rain appears on the horizon!

Some clouds are more interesting, hiding what's to come . .

A serious storm shows itself . .
  No gentle breeze announcing it . . .
     No scent of sweet relief . . .

            Simply a thunderous assault . .
       Flashes of lightning  . . .
          Flooded streets (you should've seen Matt's face) . . .
               Beautiful clear rainwater . . .
    An opportunity for a natural shower (when was the last time your family showered, fully clothed, in the yard in the rain?)  . . .
    Creeks and rivers refilled . .
        Aquifers filling . .
           Gardens watered . . .
                Ducks and beavers happy!!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?