Friday, June 10, 2016

My Pedometer App and Remembering to take My Vitamin D3

I walked 9,700 steps today!!
Finally tonight I remembered to pick up more vitamin D3 . . but I didn't take any until after I got home and settled on my sofa to quilt.
Although it didn't seem like it at the time, I appear to have done quite a bit of walking at work .  . I was busy today and running all over trying to get many things accomplished at once!!
Then, once I ran to pick up Matt's prescription, he and I did a serious perimeter check at home before washing up and settling in for the night.
Once I'm back on my vitamin D3 (8000 EU/day) for a few weeks the pain (can't describe how badly I hurt) will subside (could that be why I'm near/in tears so often lately?). At that point I will go back to being my amazingly hyper self and hopefully get back to my much needed 10,000+ steps/day!!!
Anyone else out there on vitamin D3 therapy?
Anyone trying to get in 10,000+ steps/day?

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?