Saturday, June 25, 2016

Mosquito Repellent Laundry!!

Hi! Headed out to the park this weekend? Do you have strong bug spray ready?
What if I told you that it is possible to seriously dissuade mosquitoes simply by changing your laundry soap?!!
With summer upon us hot and heavy . .
Rains pounding almost like the great flood . .
AND . .
Zika virus spreading across the globe at an almost terrifying rate (does WHO honestly know how far it's spread??). . .
Well, my personal comfort level relies on doing everything in my power to be unappealing to hungry infected  mosquitoes!!
Now I must tell you part of the reason I began using this formula for laundry soap is because Matt had an extremely bad allergy to mosquitoes. Every bite would swell and turn so hot and red!! Rather than coat him with dangerous chemicals I switched to this soap. And, by washing bedding as well as clothing with my pink Zote concoction, we were able to sleep out in our tent with few mosquito interruptions!!

Tonight I broke out my laundry soap kit then stopped at Kmart for a box of borax, bar of pink Zote (contains citronella) and a box of baking soda. Once home I dumped two (2) 1 lb. boxes baking soda and 3/4 box borax into my lidded pail. Then Matt and I shared the chore of finely shredding the Zote. Once the entire bar of pink Zote was shredded Matt made sure all ingredients were evenly mixed.
Tomorrow, when we visit the Blue Kangaroo Laundromat, we will be armed with this amazing laundry powder!!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?