Monday, June 13, 2016

Bug Out Prepping

       I've been thinking a lot lately about bugging out. Yes, we really have almost 100% bugged out already, but . . . we are still within an hour's drive of Chicago and sitting between three (3) prisons (one being Statesville Maximum Security) making us smack dab in the middle of a hot zone!
       Not good.
       So we have begun the process of planning for a real, more intense bug out.  . . for the time when it is necessary for us to head deep into the woods to survive this (and the next, if Hillary wins) regime as well as the coming (already well under way) economic collapse of America.
       Initially we will be relying heavily on our tents so have begun to pack these up properly. We will also pack up any extra tent poles, lines and stakes (can one ever have a tent tied too securely??).
       The tent has been put up, aired out and checked for holes. Note that, even through this dense foliage, it's bright orange is visible. We will have to build a sweat lodge/hobbit house out of branches over it. Then we will cover this to camouflage.
       Are you ready to bug out this far?
       Tent checked and packed neatly? Family know how to set up tent in the dark? Has this been practiced?
       We still don't have a solid bug out destination, but I am watching the earth changes and have several areas in mind.
       What about you?

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?