Monday, April 4, 2016

MPG Game ~ Update!!

Hey there!! How are you doing with this game? (Please, please leave your progress in the comments below)
My MPG has improved dramatically. I have found that Not watching the "instant MPG" reading has actually helped. But, more importantly, our recent move has seriously reduced my stress level. The new sense of calm has slowed my driving . . . less rushing and more slow happy driving!!
Now, I must say that those driving near me are Way more stressed . . . . the fact that I flat out refuse to go over the speed limit, I begin to stop when I see a yellow light and I stop at all railroad crossings to look both ways has made me less than popular on the roadways . . . And helped my MPG . . .
And . . . I am loving this new MPG!!!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?