Friday, March 18, 2016

Not Cutting My Hair

This is a choice . . .
A choice based on obedience to the Lord.  .
Not to ensure my salvation as that is covered under grace . .
I repented, was baptized in Jesus name  . .
Once saved thankfulness for all He has done for me is consuming!!
So, every day I try to follow His teaching . . .
And He clearly requires that females not cut our hair.
Now I'm not going to say this path is easy . .
It is not.
It involves much ridicule from unbelievers and those uneducated on what God actually requires in our obedience to Him.
It also is a bit of work, although much less work that curling and styling short hair!! Every day I do have to comb/brush then either braid or throw it into a quick twisty bun . . . easy.
And when it's down (not often) it's pure luxury!!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?