Friday, March 11, 2016

In My War Room . . .

       Hello there! How is your war room coming along?
     Tonight I finally hung my first prayer . . . a few days ago I hung a couple motivational post cards, but the packing tape didn't hold . . . tonight I tried a different type of tape, so hopefully my prayer won't be on the floor in the morning!!!
   And this prayer? For restoration plain and simple . . and yet, this restoration may not be all that simple . . it is truly something only God can accomplish . . . forgiveness isn't always easy, especially when feelings have been hurt and hearts broken . .  . God can mend broken hearts and bring families back together . . . and once He does? He can use those families to reach others . . .
       I'm standing on the Word of God ~ I know this is the only way and what He wants . . . I am trusting in Him to restore and 100% confident He will!!!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?