Sunday, March 13, 2016

In My War Room ~ a Battle Plan!!

As I watch "War Room" and quilt I listen for that soft voice that leads/nudges me along . . .
I now have the very beginnings of a battle plan.
I've been besieging heaven with prayers for a divine restoration and standing on His Word for this .  .
and yet, I need to do more!!!
My general prayers aren't enough.
I have to have a plan to win this and I MUST win this.
As I sit here looking at my list I am seeing that much of what He has led me to is Him leading me to grow and change more!
Hmm . . not at what I expected and yet, we are always in need of more growth . . .
Looks like I have a Lot of Bible study ahead of me!!?

"It's gonna take crazy faith!!"

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?