Sunday, March 13, 2016

Hiking Time!!

We only hiked about a mile . . sort of wimpy . . but, for a hike at dusk it wasn't bad!! We are finally getting back to exploring trails we need to finish. This trail (I&M Canal Trail runs from Calumet City to Utica!!). I have no estimate of the number of miles we've hiked on this trail, nor how much we have left to conquer. I can say it's a currently incomprehensible distance yet to cover and I really have no intention of hiking up towards the Chicago area. However, I would really love to cover the distance, over the next 1-2 years, between here and Utica. Maybe even include a nice picnic at Buffalo Rock State Park and time to climb the Effigy Tumuli!!
Where are you currently hiking/exploring?

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?