Friday, March 11, 2016

Down My Rabbit Hole . . .

Good morning to you and yours!! Hope your night was peaceful . . . mine was, but listening to the trains can be distracting . . . so can worrying (have to stop that!!) . . . yes, we had trains at the house as we were a two (2) minute walk from a very very active train yard. . . But, we knew those noises well ((why were they getting progressively louder??!!!)) . . . the trains at our new homestead are insignificant in comparison, yet still unfamiliar . . . this will take time to adjust is all .  .
Meanwhile we woke to a sunny morning and fresh, hot coffee . . . scrambled eggs for breakfast . . .  a few quick stitches on my quilt top and we were off to new adventures!!  My sweet Matt headed to a really nice library at USF to study (he's making awesome progress!!) and I began my work day . . .
And so, my sweet Mad Hatter contacts me on messenger periodically :)
I haven't seen that fuzzy Cheshire Cat (not yet anyways) . . .
And the others? Mostly quiet . . .
My day will be prayerful and peaceful . . . looking to God for direction as we move forward . . .

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?