Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Down My Rabbit Hole . . .

As I lay awake most of the night worrying with the stomach ache from hell it just didn't occur to me . . .
I kept thinking, " this is too hard to do alone. . . . I don't have enough money left to do this .  . . I'm a girl so I don't know how (that was an inexcusable thought!!)". . . .  and on and on for hours. I couldn't fall back asleep until the sun began to rise (this is becoming my new normal sleep schedule for some reason).
As I woke for work I realized I'd simply been panicking over things that are so simple to overcome. These are all areas that I can easily deal with and will look back and chuckle at myself for all this unnecessary stress . . . oh my goodness!
Then, driving to work, I watched the ice crystals slide off the edges of my windshield the way the ice crystals on my frozen faith slid away as I woke at 7:00am . . .
Speeding up to head off to work eliminated those ice crystals on the car . . .
Getting out of bed and doing productive steps to head to work eliminated the ice crystals around my faith . . . . 
I know that the path Matt and I are on is a gift directly from God  . . .
I know He has opened doors for us to be able to live a more peaceful and simple life and to serve Him more fully .  . .
He is clearing a path for us  . . . a path to a life where we can simply be us without hassles . . . a life where we can do so much more for Him . . ..
So, as I sit at my desk this morning, I have a better perspective . . . even if this rabbit hole isn't ideal it has been a stepping stone to where He needs us to be . . . we are looking at these stepping stones as training modules . . .
And we are continuing to pray!!!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?