Thursday, January 28, 2016

My Paid Work~Out Program!!

Hi there!! How are you doing getting ready for spring and outdoor activities?
      Me? Well, I think I'm doing okay  . . yesterday, though, I gave myself a scare that may have you chuckling . . I sincerely thought I'd spontaneously put about 5-10 lbs back on overnight and was mentally going through the list of all I'd recently eaten to find my mistake . ..  THEN I realized I had put on underwear that was too small! You know, the ones that fit last year before I chubbed-out and were supposed to be in the back of the drawer for me to fit into this summer?!!! Was I ever relieved to see that I had not increased in size!!!!
I Absolutely Must NOT get any bigger!!! Seriously  . . . I "drew the line in the sand" a while back and have done pretty well to not pig out since then. Now, I will admit I hit McDonald's drive-thru once in a while for a quick dose of grease and all the things we ate as teens, but I primarily eat very healthy  . . And I fully intend to continue this trend!!
So . . .
Onto my workout  . . . Already having fun zipping around making progress  . . .
Warm weather, hiking, camping and cute clothes are a couple short months away!!!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?