Sunday, January 17, 2016

Day 17/366~~ My Day Off

A beautiful day. . .
-17*F windchill as our day began . .
Ice on our gray water ponds  . .
Running load after load of laundry . .
Homestead clothes dryer  . .
Living so far below the poverty level can mean so many bad things . .
Or . .
It can mean you have to think harder of ways to make do . .
And . .
Learn how to be truly happy with less . .
Find ways to make living as inexpensive as possible  . .
While making life more fun and way more of an adventure for your entire family!!!
That is Matt and I  . .
The chart the school system uses says poverty line for a family of two (2) is below $29,471/year (gross) . . . My income is $20,500/year (gross on my 48 hour work weeks if I get extra hours (all straight time) . . .
So we are managing to survive and thrive with style well below the poverty line  . . with Matt having autism spectrum disorders me working this many hours is rough but doable   . . . as long as no one expects my house to be fully cleaned or us to fit in . . .
We are us . . we manage through creative means . . happily accepting that we will wear clothes from the "free pile" at work or, if need arises, from thrift stores (we purchase all underwear, socks and shoes new out of sanitation /hygiene concerns) . .
Many have informed me that I should get a better job, but it's not that simple. . . a "better" job paying more would not look kindly on me having to leave in the middle of my shift for doctor appointments, issues at the school, ect . . .   this job allows me that freedom and it's appreciated!
So, I've decided to begin periodic posts specifically on how to do more than barely survive while living well below the poverty line  . . .
Stay tuned!!!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?