Saturday, January 30, 2016

Cloudscaping Over Old Joliet Correctional Center

The clouds today are so pretty!
And I happened to notice a clear view of the Old Joliet Prison of Blues Brothers and "Prison Break" fame . . The prison that held Al Capone.
Look at the center of the picture just to the left of the water tower. That is the Women's Prison.
Such a shame for an historic prison to be crumbling before our eyes! IMHO, this would be a location useful for community gardens in the courtyards. And a really nice money-making fishing and camping area around the spring fed quarry!!!
Or a unique church retreat location. Use the Women's Prison as a church with many rooms available for classrooms as well as the possibility of renting a few rooms out for small businesses or having a Christian based community center with a variety of art classes, ect . . . and use the courtyard for a church garden providing fresh produce to feed the Pastor and his family as well as for church meals. The extended grounds could be used for church recreation~ fishing , camping, exploring . . .
What do you think???

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