Monday, November 2, 2015

Praying Away Unholy Soul Ties

I stopped a "couple" weeks ago and really looked at how things were going for me. Seemed/had this nagging feeling that something wasn't right. I could feel a pull from a wrong area but couldn't define the origin.
Then it dawned on me that I had prayed away most unholy soul ties but had skipped the possibility that soul ties to my third husband weren't okay. I had felt that either our marriage should be restored or I should remain single and had not included him when I prayed away my unholy soul ties.
Because I had not prayed this in years and had loaned all my Bible study notes [pre-June 1996] to my great aunt, I had to do a web search (never loan the original copy of your Bible study notes!!!). After finding a website that lined up with what I'd been taught, I prayed over all relationships in my life, even those unremembered.
And then?
Something amazing happened . . someone disappeared once again from my life!!
His will be done  0:-)

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?