Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Rethinking My Pantry

Well, hello there! Glad you stopped by.
I'm sitting here contemplating my pantry dilemma. I am in the process of pulling the last of the groceries out of the pantry so I can move the huge shelving unit and pull up the last of the flooring.
At this point there are decisions to be made:
• deep scrub/bleach sub floor and call it good?
• put a large shelving unit in front of the window? Will I be able to properly fit all shelving if I do that?
• as I pull food out/restack once shelves are re-arranged I have to figure out how much/what food we can take with us to the boat~ space considerations and how fast are we really eating this stuff????
     Redoing the pantry is fun, although I really don't have time to do it. But, I know that, once it's finished, I will be way more organized! And, as emptying the pantry put boxes of food in the family room, living room and kitchen, I will finally be able to properly clean the rest of my humble home!! That will be a Huge Relief!!
What homesteading project are you working on right now?

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?