Thursday, October 29, 2015

Make Your Home a Haven Challenge ~:~ Day 21

Hey there! I want to tell you there have been days I've been gone or too tired to light my candles. There have also been days I lit the candles and said prayers then never posted it . . . Such is the busy life of a single mom . . It's all blessings regardless!!!
Last night I was digging through innumerable boxes of "why do I have this stuff" and found a box full of assorted candles!! Woohoo!!! All varieties and seasons/holidays so I can have fancy candles without having to buy any~ these are all scavenged from the free pile at work (items shared/left behind when people move).
And my prayers?
Stability in our homestead. . .
Peace and love . .
Reaching out to lost souls . .
Following His lead always!!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?