Sunday, November 1, 2015

Looking Ahead . .

As I look ahead to what is laid before me I am appreciative of all the blessings . . and yet, I long to be a homemaker again . . I do not intend to complain about where He has me for now, but I can still remember the years 1984-89 when I was able to stay home (cook, clean my home and care for my family).  . . . so I pray and know He understands as He knows my heart when no one else does. . . . to simply be the mom instead of both mom and dad to my son . . . to find a man who will enjoy both Matt and I . . a man who will be the man so I can simply be the woman and have the time to do it right . . . and so I pray . . for God to send a man after His own heart . . a man who will love us for, not I spite of, our imperfections . . a man who is also imperfect and shares his imperfections in open honest conversation . . .
and so I pray . . . for a man seeking God's Perfect Will in his own life. . . .
and so I pray and fast . . . . 

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?