Saturday, October 31, 2015

Be Grateful Challenge ~+~ October 30-31, 2015 ~+~ Sabbath

Hi there! Happy Sabbath!
I wanted to briefly share with you what I learned in Bible study this week about the Sabbath. You know it's always cool to learn new things about God's plan for us!! I learned that the weekly Sabbath actually runs from 6pm Friday night until 6pm Saturday night!!
And so, we are tweaking our observance times at home. Last night I rushed home, took stock of everything, then spent an hour trying to see how much I could get done on my new pantry set-up . . by 5:46pm I was breathless and decided to head off for a hot shower and to begin our day of rest/ our Sabbath.
Matt and I spent our evening watching Cecil B. DeMille's "The Ten Commandments". I was doing Bible study and playing with my crazy quilt and Matt was playing a game on his phone. It was a pleasant evening of chatting and relaxing together.
This morning Matt made me a bacon and parmesan cheese breakfast taco (never knock a meal made with love!!) and coffee and I headed off to work. Matt stayed home to guard the homestead and enjoy his Sabbath.
Today was a day of prayer for me even though I was at work (I pray all day at work almost every day). My day was blessed.

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?