Sunday, October 25, 2015

Be Grateful Challenge ~*~ October 24, 2015 ~*~ Sabbath

     :] peaceful morning; taking a vacation day so I may attend church service; fresh, hot coffee; all dressed up; the blessing of my church home at Second Avenue Apostolic Church; the way the Holy Spirit moved through the church; when people I pray for for years turn up at church on just the right day!! Watching "David" (been watching last night and this morning too!!); the way He blessed me as only He can; Matt cooking for me the way only a son does for his mommy; my baby down the hall cooking and jamming to loud Christian music #Iamsoblessed; working together as a family; hike at Timber Ridge Forest Preserve and amazing chat with a pastor we met as we hiked; "Goosebumps" at Cascade drive-in then forfeiting"Paranormal Activity" and coming home early; long talk with Matt; teeth brushed and time for prayers and bed because we have amazing plans tomorrow too!!!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?