Sunday, September 27, 2015

Wife Bible Study ~~ Genesis 2:24

Good Morning!! I'm redoing a Bible study I did a few years back and thought you might like to join me!!
Initially (4-5 years ago??) I did this to see what I needed to improve on to be more fit to attract a godly husband. I looked up all the verses about 'wife' in the index in my NKJV study Bible, read one at a time, prayed on each and underlined in pink pen. It did make a huge difference in how I saw myself and my role in relationships. I did not however, "magically" attract a husband!! And I am grateful for that.
Over the last month or so I have been longing to redo this study from a more mature in Christ perspective. Last week I read on a blog post (Good Morning Girls?) about Bible study pen recommendations and wandered off to Kmart for a set of proper pens (so my Bible isn't ruined).
And now I settle on my front patio humble in a long plain denim jumper and bare feet ready to fill my soul with His words . . .

"Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh."

Now, my Companion Bible, although an amazing KJV study Bible, does not offer any interpretation of this verse . . Hmmm . .
My NKJV study Bible offers study helps on this and refers to still having a relationship with extended family, but, IMHO, refers to the marriage relationship as the primary concern of new couple through the rest of their lives.
This is my verse I will be praying on this week, or until the Lord leads me to move onto the next . .
What are your thoughts? Will you join me? Please, let me know in the comments below . . .

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?