Thursday, September 17, 2015

Make Your Home a Haven Fall Challenge

Okay, I admit I am borrowing this idea again, but it is too good to pass up!! My intention was to continue all year but I got sidetracked as I often do.
So, I'm back on the challenge and, in typical me persona, starting early!! For week one I am lighting this candle when I am home and saying a prayer for peace in my home every time I see it (I may also sneak in prayers for whom /whatever I'm currently praying for in my war room). It is sitting on Aunt Mable's potty in the living room with our setup for 1000 marble challenge sitting neatly nearby.
As I also tend to have candles in other rooms as well I will say a prayer each time I see each of those.
Heaven will be flooded with prayers!!

Please join me in this challenge . . Add photos/a link to photos of your candle in the comments below.

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?