Thursday, September 3, 2015

Letting Go . .

Making a final decision to completely change our lives has been both cathartic and terrifying . .
It is the "letting go" process that causes both feelings . .
We are letting go of everything and turning complete control over to God!!
That, in and of itself, is a lot. But, beyond that, we are letting go of people, situations and things that don't make us happy.
Let me clarify. In looking around our house I see tons of stuff. Most of it I never use. Some of it has been untouched in boxes for 7+ years waiting for me to find time to make a decision about it. I never seem to have time, or those items aren't a necessary part of my life. By snowfall this year I want all items that fall into that category out of my house and my life. We are, in essence, going toward the "tiny house movement" and the simplicity and peace it offers as well as the opportunity to seriously reduce our footprint.
I am looking at situations in a similar manner. There are a few which are harmful to me yet I have allowed them to become an integral part of my life/have become somewhat dependent on them. I will be removing myself from these situations.
And people. . . that's a bit trickier. I have also allowed problems here. I will be putting safeguards in place to stop/prevent harmful relationships.
The relationship and situation problems can, of course, be rectified . . . But, as that would take major changes in other people, I am learning to simply let go  . . .
Meanwhile Matt and I have begun the exciting process of imagining ourselves with a better, more peaceful life. The plan to live simply and at peace has changed our entire outlook!!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?