Tuesday, September 29, 2015

In My War Room . . Praying and Waiting on His Answer . . .

And I prayed and fasted . .
First time in years for this prayer . .
And I eagerly awaited the result . .
As though God had to respond right away. .
Time came and went . .  .
And, although I saw He had chipped away a bit at the iceberg, I was discouraged  . . .
And awake most of the night . .
This morning?
He has shown me the mental tantrum I threw at His timing vs mine  . .
And that "be patient" isn't a "no" . .
And I step back . .
Look at the list He gave me to accomplish before I may move forward . .
And I realize I need to focus on my list . .
And on my war room . .
And He will pull all together when the time is right . .
And I breathe again in trusting Him.

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?