Saturday, September 5, 2015

Be Grateful Challenge

           peaceful morning; sweet, sleepy Matt; homemade breakfast tacos; fresh, hot coffee; uneventful drive to work; catching up books; quiet; thoughts and lists prayerfully; errands for work; bottle of H2O; eye twitching a bit less (solid plans reduce stress); having an amazing son open to challenge and adventure; experience gained; new things to learn and practice; knowing following His plan makes the trip feel so much smoother; a peaceful lunch of quilting in my car; more on my new list; using this year to prepare for next year; 84*F with 66% humidity; mentally prepping for yard sale; making do when supplies aren't to be had; temp rising 90*F and 56% humidity; pushing forward and knowing this is building my perseverance; taking Matt to his first high school football game and waiting and quilting while he has fun; a quick bath, a quiet night and my pillow . . .

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?