Thursday, September 10, 2015

Be Grateful Challenge ~~ September 9, 2015

      :-] sweet, gentle, sleepy snuggly Matt (sometimes he's still my baby boy!!); breakfast omelets with flax seed and chipotle on tortillas; coffee brewing down the hall; remembering He has my back as I prepare mentally to head out into the world; a bit of quilting as I remember to breathe; girl who almost ran me off road (3rd time someone has tried this in the last month!!); seeing an old friend; many facets of work; productive doctor appointment and new game plan; a friend's journey and the inspiration I find in this; bookkeeping (why is the analyzing so much fun??!!!); His plan and how He shows me step by step; paying bills; open house at JTHS and the opportunity to meet Matt's teachers as well as a wrestling coach; a mini celebration; quilting and list making while Matt does homework  . . . .

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?