Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Be Grateful Challenge. ~~ September 16, 2015

      ♡.♡ sleepy peaceful morning; super quiet neighborhood; sweet teen; driving Matt to school as he just missed his bus (rolled right on by even though she saw him walking towards her); cheese tacos (need to grocery shop/get more creative; driving Matt to school; coffee started and 2 Chronicles 24:1-15 (He always leads me to the right passage for that day . . and this reflects what He was directing me toward last evening); focusing on the future; situations that trigger better/more efficient lists; a day of cleaning apartments; both bosses at work and both smiling; errands for work; new resolve; chat with Matt; laundry, nice hot bath and yummy supper; untangling yarn and a bit of knitting; cold milk; listening to Matt read Bible; Willy Wonka . . .

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?