Monday, September 14, 2015

Be Grateful Challenge ~~ September 13, 2015

     :-] sleepy morning and getting to sleep in; some dishes washed and fresh, hot coffee; laundry going; Matt snoring softly; peaceful home; autism; all the cleaning I did in the living room Friday after work; the fun of sorting out the house so we can move on to our next adventure; finally blogging things I already should have said; Toastie-o's for breakfast; 6+ loads laundry washed; Matt happily trimming out back way past the five (5) minutes I requested; a yummy supper; Matt taking off for a bike ride; my new prayer list; a nice supper and trying new foods; so much laundry washed; bills paid and a couple letters written; starting Miss Lori's snood and untangling the red yarn; quilting and enjoying Matt's company  . . .
Sweet dreams  . . . .

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?