Monday, September 7, 2015

67% Savings at CVS and Need to Watch More Closely

Hey! Wanted to share my recent trip to CVS with you!!
I did my shopping in three trips today. On my first trip I was able to save 75% by stacking two (2) manufacturers coupons, with in store coupon and a sale! Awesome!! I think we now have a year's worth of deodorant for each of us. This also yielded an extrabucks (in store cash) of $2.
On my second trip I slipped up a "little" . . on a mission like this a "little" mistake can have a huge impact!! I purchased a can of pledge,  fabric freshener, Nivea products, Ajax dish soap and Glade air freshener . . the air freshener was a Mistake as it was not an item needed to complete the rebate, was costly and not something I would normally use. Also I did not spend enough on Nivea products and will have to return for one more item.   Because of this my savings on this trip was only 48%.
I combined $7.25 in manufacturers coupons and the $2.00 in extrabucks from the last purchase.
For my third trip I purchased the missing item for the pledge rebate (more furniture polish), two (2) gallons milk at $2.89/each (and $1 extrabucks/each) as well as two (2) bottles Garnia Fructise conditioner and one (1) of matching shampoo.
My savings on this final trip was only 21% . .
But . .
I came home with $9.00 in extrabucks to put toward my next purchase!!
So, I may have left with only a 67% total savings . .
But . .
I have $9.00 free and clear to use by October 7!!
WooHoo!!! I just need more coupons and 48 hour days!!!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?