Friday, September 11, 2015

1000 Marble Challenge ~~ Weeks 31-101

Hi! Welcome back!!
Yes, we are still doing the 1000 Marble Challenge . . trying to make every day count even though we only catch up our marbles very extremely randomly. As I figured out when we last attempted to track this I had to look deep into the cold storage of my blog posts ~~ way back to 4.27.14!!
Oh, my word! Sloppy tracking!! But, if you've followed our lives over that period of time you know we have a seriously valid reason for slacking in this and so many other areas. This, my friends, was the time frame from Matt's last IEP meeting at SEALS through his 8th grade year at Gompers (and busting our behinds to get him out of special ed and dropping his IEP!!) then on to getting him ready for his freshman year in high school and in proper classes to prepare him for college!!
And so, as Matt thought through this time period and all we have done and become as a stronger family unit, he dropped all 71 marbles into the good jar!! His reason? "the last year and five (5) months or so have been amazing!!"
That little "bad week" jar is still empty and looking odd and lonely, as it should be. I am grateful it is still empty and I am able to give Matt all the attention he needs.
How are your jars looking?

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?