Saturday, August 29, 2015

"Parable of the Talents" or Are You Wasting What He Gave You?

Today, while I was cleaning an apartment, I thought about this parable and how it applies to my life. My thought process was from a couple different perspectives.
First of all, there is the question of proper money management. Sometimes I do question how I handle the money He has provided me through employment and, until recently, Matt's SSI check. Then I step back and realize that bills are generally paid (let's not discuss medical bills from years I had no insurance). And, although we do spend a small amount on fun, it is way less than most people spend. To boot, I have been watching my credit score slowly rise, giving solid proof I'm on the right track financially.
My second are of concern is with all the gifts/abilities God has given me and whether I am using these wisely to bring souls into the Kingdom? I sit concentrating on Matt's needs for right now and worrying so much that I am not obedient enough. Yet I remember a kind woman telling me a while back that caring for Matt is my most important/only ministry for this season. Yes, parenting an autistic teen is a huge ministry to undertake alone, yet  . . .
And I do have my blog, which is a small ministry . .

I am doing the ministry He needs me to do for right now . .
That is the important thing!!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?