Friday, August 7, 2015

Hope Quilt Top

Good evening! Such a peaceful night here on the homestead. An evening (all day, actually) of intense blessings!!!
I think, IMHO, that it's all a matter of perspective.
Yes, Matt's SSI check has been stopped . .
But I still have a job.
No, we didn't get approved for free lunches and school fees .   . .
But reduced fee lunches will save me approximately $540/year!
No, we won't have any money in our food budget . . .
But we are still blessed with a big back yard to grow our own food.
No our life isn't perfect by most people's standards  . . .
But our home has love, patience, understanding  . .
And, most of all, Jesus!!
Yes, we struggle . .
But that makes us grow stronger.

Blessing upon blessing flow in as He makes a way for us to serve Him more thoroughly and the more obedient we are the greater the blessings become.
How could we ever ask for more?!!!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?