Thursday, August 20, 2015

Be Grateful Challenge ~ August 19, 2015

              . . . . a quiet sleepy morning  . . . waking on time . . . sweet son . . . off to school bus on time for first day of high school . . . . fresh, hot coffee and time to sip and stitch before work . . . dishes and a load of laundry washed   . . . .  raccoon tracks on my driveway. . . 11 minutes early to work [WooHoo!!!] . . . kindness . . . show of true colors . . . discernment  . . . remembering  . . .  sillies . . .  rethinking . . .      that nice chat, but my being required to be without opinion or ideas about some subjects made it stilted
(but appreciated) . . .  changing location and it's new perspective  . . . sammich Matt made me for lunch and a chat with Allstate agents  . . . a lot of time to think (where the heck am I going??!) . . . the worries about "our" government we all share (well those of us who aren't sheeple) . . . a promised letter that may not help (I Will NOT Cry or give up . . . ) . . . a gift of hope from a friend . . a nice chat with Mom . . . exploring the school netbook with Matt who, by the way, totally loves high school =)  
         supper (love a good salad) . . . my grown-up high school "boy" . . .  making careful choices to move ahead . . . an awesome sweet son . . . laundry going while Matt hauls in contents of car . . . if you want to win the lottery you must first buy a ticket (watching "Eat, Pray, Love") . . . it is time for me to take the next solid step toward buying my figurative lottery ticket  . . . hot baths and watching "We Bought a Zoo" . . . stitching my Hope Quilt Top while Matt explores his netbook  . . . . baby aspirin . . cozy bed and quiet prayers

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?