Friday, July 10, 2015

Why So Many One-Way Streets/Bridges in Joliet??

Good day!!
I have to share that I am puzzled, once again, by Joliet  . . .
Today the Jefferson St bridge closed and will remain that way until October (what happens if winter hits way early, work on the bridge slows /stops and it's out of commission until  . . .?) . . .
Rather than simply making the Cass St bridge a two-way at least during this project, traffic is being redirected to use Hickory St (which is down to one lane due to construction) to get to the Jackson St bridge . . .
Wouldn't it be common sense to make all these bridges two-way permanently??
Is there something I'm missing here . .?
Some sort of crazed tax incentive for a quota of one-way streets and bridges /capita?
Are our politicians deliberately trying to dissuade visitors/tourists from spending time and money here?
I would love some input on this, please . . .

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