Friday, July 3, 2015

Trimming Trees vs Paying for Damages

I am noticing an unusual number or trees where all the top branches are dead and I am wondering . . .

What is best . .

Paying for a tree service to come out and safely remove the large dead branches?

Waiting for the branches to come down on their own potentially landing on a passing car or pedestrian  . . . Or even, as could be the case for the church across the street from me, blowing through very expensive stained glass windows . . . And, if during church service, potentially injuring members of the congregation?

To me the peace of knowing I prevented a potentially serious accident was enough to have an almost completely dead tree cut way back  . . . and reason to have a very very healthy tree trimmed back enough to not be a potential risk to my home or car during heavy snowfalls.

Maybe this dead branch issue is a matter of personal perspective  . . .
Maybe  . . .

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?