Sunday, July 19, 2015

Psalm 90:12 Challenge

Good morning!! Happy Sunday!!!
Welcome back :)
This morning I happened to turn on church services from Christ Church Oakbrook (half way through the program) and was instantly mesmerized by the teaching. I must admit that I started out just watching and thinking, "typical protestant feel good sermon", but I was so wrong!!  That mistaken impression changed immediately!! The pastor was teaching about wisdom and all the daily distractions we face. He read may different Bible verses, but the one that really caught my attention was Psalm 90:12
   "So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom."

And he offered a challenge: (paraphrased)  to look at all our daily distractions in relation to this verse. To ask ourselves if this distraction (facebook post, TV show, other drama . .) will help our relationships? And if we knew we would die in a year, would this even matter??

              And so I am offering a 30 day challenge to you and myself:
* read this verse daily
* apply it to your own life
* then, daily, leave, under my post on Psalm 90:12 for that day, how your life was impacted for that day

Let's all do this challenge together so we can grow together!!!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?