Saturday, July 25, 2015

Psalm 90:12 Challenge ~ Day 5/30

Good evening!! How was your day today? Mine was blessed~ hoping yours was too!!!
As I sat in the quiet (why was it sooo quiet today??) I had time to quilt and think about all He has for me . . . and wonder what is the cheapest possible way for us to live . . .?  And the safest . .? And His will . .  ?
More prayer is needed, but I must admit that a cheaper living situation is a must. In order to concentrate more on my calling I have to be able to take my focus off of financial survival. Just before our family budget was cut considerably we were already planning to live more frugal and humble lives.
Our intention was to sell our home and use the profits to purchase a small houseboat, cutting our financial need in half. Not only would this choice allow us to serve Him more fully, it would also cut my stress level considerably. It would eliminate a high house payment And open doors to reach a whole new group of souls in need.
And so . . ? More praying and careful spending . . .

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?