Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Psalm 90:12 Challenge ~ Day 3/30

Good evening! How are you doing with this Bible study challenge? I must admit it resonates with everything else in my life!!
I must tell you that this is really falling into place with my desire to cut my expenses back to almost zero. I would like to make my life way less about chasing the ability to make money and more about pleasing God. Up until recently we've been able to live comfortably at the poverty line while still being able to reach out to the homeless and lost with hand knit hats and the love of Jesus.
Now our life may be changing drastically. I've received a letter from Social Security stating that, although Matt still has a diagnosis of autism and ADHD, based on statements from his doctor we are no longer in need of his SSI check. On average this will remove $600-700/ month from our budget (1/3 of our income) and will make survival much more of a challenge!! This could be devastating, but I think we can make it. My paychecks will cover our bills (period). Anything beyond that will be luxury items. That includes food, clothing, gas for the car . . .
I think we can turn this life-changing event into a game and a challenge  and make it work for us. We still have a home to live in and utilities are still turned on. We have food in our bellies.
And so many caring people in our lives reach out, not knowing our plight, and provide amazing treats almost daily. Could it be God has made this change to help us be more dependent Him? How can we use this change to help us reach more people in need?

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?