Friday, July 31, 2015

Psalm 90:12 Challenge~~ Day 10/30

"So teach us to number our days,
That we may gain a heart of wisdom." NKJV

Yes, I have missed posting for a few days, yet I fully assure you that this verse has been in my forethought daily.
And so, I am still considering living a more humble life . . but also ways in which I may be a secret blessing to others.
Now allow me to explain this statement. As I was listening to Moody Radio station I was delighted by a story of meeting Jesus after dieing and His opinion on making our good works public knowledge. This made me stop to think of all the times I made mine public. That was wrong of me and simply won't continue.
Now, mind you, Matt and I will continue to help those in need as the spirit moves us. We simply won't be making these events public information.
Where are you with this Bible study challenge?
Bible study is growth!!!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?